“ We think we meet someone with our eyesBut we actually meet them with our soul ”― Mimi Novic ”norna - a meeting of minds” Through books, movies, events and digital platforms filled with meaningful content,we invite you to in depth meetings that allow thoughts and reflection. TEAM NORNA Anette Tamm Company founder & publischerPhotagrapher & Journalistanette.tamm@nornacommunication.com Eira Margalef Norna Pics & Digital Illustrationeira.margalef@nornacommunication.com Beatrice Joseph Projekt & Eventansvarigbeatrice@nornacommunication.com Kurt Hansson Ekonomi & Photographer Sören Klingborn AD & Graphic Designersoren.klingborn@nornacommunication.com Jacqueline Tamm Lundell AD & Webb Ansvariginfo@jtlinterior.com KONTAKTA OSS